Fruit puree is the result of macerate, triturate or cut up the edible part of the fruits. Using this kind of products allows preparing juices, nectars, jams, cocktails, marmalades and sauces, that is why the fruit pulp consume has been increasing all over the world. Even for distributors or consumers, it is necessary to store the fruit pulps according to the food safety requirements for this kind of product. In the manufacturing process, pasteurization is done to reduce microbiological presence (natural of the fruit), then it goes to a freezing process to minimize the activity of microorganisms.
To assure a correct freezing process, a range of -18°C (0°F) must be kept during all of the logistic chain until its final presentation to a customer. This freezing chain generates extra charges not only for the final product, but also, for all the chain.
In order to search an alternative for the expensive cold chain, nowadays has appeared a new way to present this product, the unrefrigerated fruit pulp or aseptic fruit pulp. The manufacturing process of this pulps, is based in intensifying the application of the Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points (HACCP) guidelines for food safety, considering the pasteurization as a Critical Control Point (CCP), during the processing, the product is exposed to a higher time in certain temperatures, helping to reduce the microbiological presence. At the same time, sensory tests are applied to verify flavor, odor and color.
Bottling process is done under aseptic and strict conditions that prevents the product of getting contaminated, using a preform bag with high barrier against oxygen, avoiding aerobic microorganisms to grow during a long period. The asepsis used during the process and the one used in the packaging, allows the product to have a considerable shelf life without needing cold chain, getting multiple benefits not only for the distributor, but also, for the final consumer. For the first one, it is useful to reduce the operative costs related to electric power used in freezing storages, minimize the cost of freights avoiding the use of GenSet or Thermo Kings; for the second one, as the product is liquid is ideal for a diversification of uses and preparations with an environmental temperature.
Because of all the advantages mentioned before, the aseptic fruit pulps are the best alternative for the production and consume of this type of product, having from tropical fruits as passion fruit, soursop, mango, lulo, guava, pineapple among other to berries such as strawberry and blackberry.